What was I thinking??


Alright guys… I’m gonna come clean here. I failed the 21-Day Challenge. I couldn’t make it 3 days without wanting to lick the bamboo floors while teaching TRX. That being said it wasn’t a total loss and I still highly recommend trying it (even if you can’t make it). I for one did learn some things from my failure… and that’s what matters right??

  1. Meal Prep doesn’t have to be expensive. I got chicken in bulk and bell peppers from Sams and pre-cut/cooked them. You won’t need any other chicken recipe (use garlic powder instead).
  2. I appreciate carbs in moderation allowing veggies to be the focal point of my meals.
  3. Cooking can be fun! I’m loving trying out new recipes on my man!

A great website to check out: LINDA’S LOW CARB MENUS & RECIPES

Weekend in DC

This past weekend was my last weekend before classes start (Today!) so Clarke Kent (my boyfriend) and I went to DC to relax, go to the motorcycle convention, and get his Spanish passport (he was born there).

